Tag Archives: lemon

November and chick peas

4 Nov

November.  Also known as No-school-vember, no-shave-November.

November brings up some awesome memories for me.

Crunchy leaves.

Rainy days and hot chocolate.

Going to my grandparents’ house in Florida for Thanksgiving and eating key lime pie.

That layer of fuzz I get on my legs because pants and tights allow me to skip shaving.

Pumpkin pie.

Driving home from college after two days of snow.

Wearing your pj’s inside out hoping for snow.  Even though it’s November.  And in the Pacific Northwest, it rains in November.

Tons of days off of school due to holidays and parent teacher conferences.

Surprisingly, spinach and chick peas don’t really give me warm fuzzies when I think about November.

Or didn’t.

Now, this is one of my favorite recipes.

Probably because my mom made it for me first.


  • 1 to 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 onions, diced
  • 2 cans chick peas
  • 1 8 oz. bag of spinach (any kind of greens would work, though)
  • 1 small lemon
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • about a half a box of spinach linguine
Get some water going for pasta, and cook the pasta to your liking. Heat the oil in a large pan.  Add the onion and saute for about 5 minutes, until translucent and yummy-smelling.  Add the chick peas and saute for about 10 minutes, until they’re nice and browned.  Stir in the spinach, the zest of the lemon, half of the lemon, juiced, salt and pepper.