Meet Me


That’s me.  Yep.  Right there.   I’m a college sophomore.

I started thinking about rewriting this page in the shower this morning.

My family is the most important thing in my life.  I have a wonderful older brother and two amazing, supportive (albeit quirky) parents.

I love Sun Chips and fruit and IZZE soda and coconut milk.  I became vegan July 6, 2010 because I was bored with food and wanted to shake things up.  I loved the vegan thing and it stuck.  I miss pizza the most.

I don’t like wearing my hair down.  I can’t stand shoes that are tight around my ankles.  In fact, I wear flip flops any chance I get.  Even when it’s raining.  And sometimes when it’s snowing…  The Twilight series drives me nuts.  One of my biggest pet peeves is listening to people chew.  And the word “moist.”

My favorite bakeries are located on the east side of Portland, my home town.  When I’m not at school, I work at a bakery on the west side of Portland decorating cookies.

My favorite TV show is “Friends.”  I own all the seasons on DVD, and I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve watched the series through.  I can recite every line while watching the show, and everything in my life has some sort of “Friends” reference.

My roommate’s name is Amy.  (She is currently in Spain – my roommate this semester is Mariah).  She is wonderful.  We laugh together and cry together and wear onesies and make pancakes together.

My other best friends I met here at school, on a trip to the zoo.  We’ve been friends ever since.  One of them is from Idaho, one is from Texas, and one is from good old Portland just like me.  We are the worst people to watch movies with.  We laugh and ask questions throughout the entire movie, and usually end up not knowing what actually happened.

I live on the third floor of the international residence hall with a great view of campus.  I bake in a little oven that only fits one pan at a time, and roll out my cookies on a counter/table that’s about a foot shorter than a counter should be.  But it’s a kitchen, so I’m not complaining.

I’m a sticky note fiend and make lists for everything.  I’m a huge fan of the Harry Potter and Hunger Games Series.  I love the New York Times Crosswords.  I love to write, draw, throw pottery, knit, quilt, cook, and… oh yeah – bake.

I’m a stress baker.  So whenever I have a test or essay due on Monday, you more than likely will not find me in my room or at the library studying.  You’ll find me in the kitchen, cooking up a storm.

I try to be creative, and love love LOVE suggestions and sparks of inspiration, so if you have any ideas, HIT ME.  I’m all ears.

One Response to “Meet Me”

  1. Kass November 23, 2010 at 12:44 pm #

    by the way, you rock. just sayin. we need to bake together sometime for reals. Your ideas are magical! 😀

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